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Was About to Say Thank God OBL is Dead

Posted by msrb on January 26, 2010

submitted by a reader

I was about to say thank God the evil Osama is finally dead

Can you imagine the outcome of the recent wave of ‘terrorist activity,’ if he was still alive, trained the evil terrorists and supplied them with real bombs?

Thousands of people would have surely been killed by now.

Osama Bin Laden personified evil. He was also the guy who helped to sign the death warrant for the Soviet Empire.  No one has ever been able to train terrorists and make them as deadly as he did.

Yes, I was about to say all of that, when the “counter-terrorism” industry summoned him from the dead, again!

“A purported audio tape of Osama bin Laden aired on Al Jazeera television claimed responsibility for a December 25 attempted bombing of a U.S.-bound plane, and the al Qaeda leader vowed to continue attacks on the United States.” Reuters UK reported.

What shall we say now?

a).  Eat your heart out OBL [sic,] we got your man this time [after his “safe” bomb failed to blow up.] Or,

b). Thank God the new master bomb-maker is a double agent and makes bombs that don’t explode.  And thank God our Israeli friends, who recruit the terrorists, carefully select the wimps and morons to make sure they could do no physical harm to us.

Could you imagine the mayhem, if OBL was still alive, recruiting and training the really nasty ones, AND arming them with real bombs, all by himself?

So what did the guys who summoned OBL from the Hades again had him say to convince us this time?

“The message sent to you with the attempt by the hero Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is a confirmation of our previous message conveyed by the heroes of September 11.”

This is odd because Osama, when he was still alive, denied having had anything to do with 9/11 attacks on America. But, this time, not only he is claiming responsibility for the 9/11 crimes, he is making a back-to-back terrorism cross reference confirmation!

“If it was possible to carry our messages to you by words we wouldn’t have carried them to you by planes,” bin Laden added in a message he said was directed “from Osama to (U.S. President Barrack) Obama.”

What clever little slogan: “from Osama to Obama!” The experts have instantly elevated the dead Osama as the equivalent of the living Obama.  “Osama” has once again been elevated to the “king-of-the-terrorists” status!

You’ll see why this is necessary, of course, in the greater scheme of things.

“Our attacks against you will continue as long as U.S. support for Israel continues,” bin Laden said. “It is not fair that Americans should live in peace as long as our brothers in Gaza live in the worst conditions.”

Hold on a minute. What about “my brothers in Afghanistan?” Come to think of it you haven’t made many references to the mayhem in your favorite country.

You are not by any chance trying to associate yourself with your “brothers in Gaza” to give them a bad name on behalf of Israel, are you?

But of course you are. You call the people of Gaza your brothers because you want to  dehumanize them as your equals—terrorists.

Gazans, Palestinians, are neither your brothers, nor terrorists. They are ordinary human beings who have lived under the occupation of Israelis for three generations.

The psychiatrists and conjurers who run their fingers on Osama Ouija board are methodically consistent. Each of Osama Bin Lately’s manufactured proclamations must have the following elements to qualify as “useful.”

1. Mutual Enforcement. The messages must be “mutually enforcing” by cross-referencing multiple events and relating one event to another. A recent event must relate to 9/11, and vice versa,  to re-validate both events as “Osma’s” work [sic.]

What about the traces of explosives found in ground zero that confirms beyond any doubt whatever that the  WTC buildings collapse was planned demolition?  [Don’t worry, they say, people are being kept too busy afraid of terrorism to worry about the fine prints.]

2. Identify Freedom-Fighters, especially Palestinians, as Terrorists. As the old proverb goes, “give the dog a bad name…” The act is designed to directly serve the state of Israel’s purpose, justifying acts of genocide against the Palestinians “terrorists.” That’s why “Osama” calls Palestinians his “brothers.”

3. Confirm Israel as the Perpetual Victim. It must reinforce the role of Israel as the only friend of the United States in the region, even the world. The “inverse victimization” of the “ever-suffering,” and “perpetually-victimized” state of Israel is a potent double psychology. What  the fictitious Osama is saying is that “we” are in trouble because of Israel.  The purpose is to make us even more resolute in protecting our only friend in the world.

4. Corporate Identity. Terrorist attacks must bear the al Qaeda hallmark, otherwise they are not “worthwhile.” The fear of NON-al-Qaeda terrorism simply isn’t scary enough. Terrorism must be big; it must appear organized, well rooted and ubiquitous to warrant multiple  wars. You can’t start wars on for fronts,  Iraq and Afghanistan together with Pakistan and Yemen, and justify the almost 4 trillion dollars thrown at the security/military-industrial-complex on the back of a teenager trying to blow up a plane with play clay.

5. Recognition of Presidential Patriotism. The fight against terrorism must be of epic proportions and quality, to stop people wondering why so much money is thrown at it. It must be viewed as a battle between the ultimate good and the pure evil. The point of summoning Osam from the daed is also to boost the incumbent President’s plunging popularity ratings. The “Osama to Obama” little talk-the-talk trick cuts both ways. Not only it elevates the status of Osama [The fact that he is dead is just a technicality] as the “king of terrorism” it also reinforces the standing of the President du jour, previously Bush, now Obama, as the main man to represent “good” and be reckoned with. As discussed above, if he is good enough for the world’s archenemy to address the president as his opponent, it must surely be sufficient for the citizens to defer to his authority. NO questions asked whatever action he decides to take. Body scanners at every shopping mall? No problem!

6. Reader’s Digest Clarity. OBL’s messages must be understandable by the dumbest village-idiot that ever existed, either side of the Mason-Dixon Line. The messages are not aimed at suave, smart Europeans because they invariably see through them. They are strictly for the U.S. home consumption.

Posted in 9/11 attacks, audio tape of Osama, double agent, Osama Bin Laden, Terrorism | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »